Supercharge your Psychotherapy Education with AI

Role-play virtual therapy sessions with AI and receive supervisor-level feedback

Always Ready, Always Available

Our AI-powered bots are on standby 24/7, ensuring you can practice your therapy skills anytime, without the wait. Unlike scheduled demo sessions, these virtual clients provide immediate interaction whenever you need it most.

Get Insightful Feedback from AI Supervisior

Quickly detect and remedy any gaps in your therapy skills for better client results.

The Product Does

Realistic Simulations

Experience high-fidelity simulations of client interactions.

Customizable Scenarios

Tailor the scenarios to meet specific training needs and goals

Immediate Feedback

Receive instant, actionable feedback to help you grow as a professional.

Adaptive Learning Pathways

Creates a personalized educational plan that adapts to your evolving skills and professional goals.

How it works?

Discover a dynamic way to enhance your therapeutic skills through our interactive platform. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

Describe your client or Choose a scenario

Select from a variety of realistic, customizable client scenarios tailored to different therapy techniques and issues.

Rehearse the session

Engage with AI-powered virtual clients that simulate real-life therapy sessions.

Receive feedback

Get real-time, supervisor-level feedback to refine your skills and improve your practice.

Keep new insights for real practice

Retain the knowledge and strategies from each session, applying them to enhance your real-world client interactions.


20$ per month

– 20 training sessions (each is 50 minutes equivalent)

– 30 AI supervision sessions

40$ per month

– 30 training sessions

– Unlimited AI supervision

– Additional features: session export & import, AI-powered case notes


– Unlimited training & supervision

– Custom solutions for schools & institutions

– Priority support


Psymulator is an AI-powered platform designed for psychotherapists to simulate therapy sessions to train with virtual clients, and receive real-time feedback from an AI supervisor.

Psymulator is currently in closed testing and provides a limited demo using the Poe platform. You can also apply to get early access to the full product.

  1. Register for a free account on the Poe platform ( This process should take approximately 2 minutes.
  2. After registering, access the Psymulator Client at and the Psymulator Expert at
  • Generate a random client for a simulated session using the “Generate client” command.
  • Describe a client for simulation using the “Describe client” command. You can edit and add facts about the client even after receiving the initial description.
  • Begin a simulated therapy session using the “Start session” command.

To get help or feedback from the Psymulator Expert during a session, type “” followed by your question in the chat window.

For example: > What question should I ask the client next?

The Psymulator Expert can help you analyze your case, provide feedback on your session, and answer any other questions related to your practice, as if it were a full-fledged supervision session.

Yes, Poe has a limit of 20 messages per day.

If you encounter any issues, contact the Psymulator team via email at for assistance

The feedback in Psymulator is generated using advanced GPT models and uses multi-pass prompting to ensure that the provided information is correct. However, it is recommended to cross-check with real supervisors for real-life cases.



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